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BlueMount - Money manager
BlueMount - Money manager

BlueMount - Money manager

Alfredo Grassau 免费 0.00 2024-02-27

"EN", "FR", "DE", "IT", "PT", "ZH", "ES" 4+ 2022-09-04T01:07:59Z 工具财务


BlueMount - Money manager介绍

BlueMont is a simple, intuitive and effective app to order and track your incomes and expenses, where you will be free to:

Create and edit your own categories and payment methods: at BlueMount you have total freedom to create your own categories, and classify your transactions. At the same time,we also offer the opportunity to choose between the most popular payment methods, whether they are credit cards or other forms of online payment. You can create as many categories and payment methods as you want, having customization options in both cases.

Organize your transactions into different notebooks: we offer the possibility of separating your transactions into different notebooks, whether for your personal expenses, vacation, your business, etc. This way, maintaining order has never been easier.

Filter your transactions: find tools to filter your transactions quickly, and thus be able to analyze your income and expenses in detail.

Create and customize your own charts: sometimes viewing your income and expenses in a list can be confusing, which is why we offer a powerful tool that allows you to create and customize your own charts. You can choose from all your transactions or a selection of them, to create pie, horizontal bars, vertical bars and linecharts.

Automate your frequent transactions: you have the possibility to schedule your frequent transactions, and in this way, they will be added automatically on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, among other options.

Customize the way the app looks: you have the freedom to choose from a variety of light and dark themes to customize the way the app looks and feels to suit your preferences.

Export your transactions in a simple way: you can export and have access to all your transactions whenever you want. With a single click you can send all or part of your transactions to your email quickly and easily.

Access to different currencies: you can select a main currency for your day-to-day transactions and change it whenever you want. You can also choose a different currency for each of your transactions.

As you can see, freedom is part of our DNA!

版本更新内容:- Now you can customize your categories with amazing icons!\n- UI - UX improvements.\n- Errors fix.

BlueMount - Money manager截图

  • BlueMount - Money manager截图1
  • BlueMount - Money manager截图2
  • BlueMount - Money manager截图3
  • BlueMount - Money manager截图4
  • BlueMount - Money manager截图5
  • BlueMount - Money manager截图6
  • BlueMount - Money manager截图7
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